You DON'T have to start 100% CDing all at once! I PROMISE, no one will judge you if you just try it. I know that cloth diapering mamas who have multiple kinds of "fluff" in their "stash" might be a bit intimidating in their excitement to recruit another potential convert. (GUILTY.) Here are a few ideas to help ease you into the mere idea of cloth diapering.
- Just TRY it. Just a little bit, just to see if you like it...
I think that for someone who just wants to see if it can work for them, 3 is a good number to start with. It's enough that you really get the feel for cloth diapering without burdening you with a big obligation!
- Borrow a couple from a cloth diapering friend! Tell those pushy cloth diapering mamas to put their money where their mouths are! Everyone I know that cloth diapers is so excited about their diapers that they would gladly lend a couple, just to let someone try, and see if it would work for them.
- If the idea of used diapers skeeves you out (even though they're clean), you can find your 3 to try for cheap. For the price of a single pack of sized 2 disposables (assuming a pack of Huggies Pure & Natural at about $9.99) You can get a brand new cloth diaper that your baby won't grow out of until they're potty trained! Here are some examples of the least expensive brands that I would suggest to "Just try it" :
- Econobum- You can buy a Single Pack for $9.95, which is one prefold and one cover, or a Trial Pack for $11.95, which has your 3 prefolds to try and one cover. They are ridiculously good quality prefolds too!
- Kawaiis- You can get one of these heavy duty pocket diapers for as low as $6.99!! I'd be willing to bet that you blow more money than that on Starbucks every month. That's about the price of a Value meal at Wendy's. It's CERTAINLY worth a try!
Back to the idea of preowned fluff:
- Check your local Craigslist site for cloth diapers for sale. You can usually find really good prices on used diapers.
- Diaperswappers is another great website to find used cloth diapers for sale, and real reviews from real mamas
So as you can see, cloth diapering doesn't have to be a All or Nothing undertaking. You can just try it, and who knows, maybe you'll want to do it some more!
Just three. Not a big deal. No sir-ee, that's not a big deal at all.
And PLEASE!! If you have any questions, just ask me! Either in my comments, on Twitter (@MamaSuperPow), or email me at MamaSuperPow_at_gmail_dot_com
Ok! I promise. With the next baby I will give it a shot. But I may have more questions. ;)