
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sandbox Lane

I have a new favorite online store! Sandboxlane.com
They are brand spankin' new this year, and stock eco-friendly baby products. I follow @sandboxlane on Twitter, and let me tell you, Linda is AWESOME to chat to and she has always tweeted back when I @ her. :]

Earlier this week (Tuesday), she tweeted, asking if there was an interest in a standing discount code for Military Mamas. I of course jumped all over that with excitement and suggestions of how to screen for legitimate mil-mamas while protecting their security at the same time. So I got my code, placed an order, (they offer FREE SHIPPING on orders $30+ Bee T. Dubs.), and it arrived today (Saturday)! That's ridiculously fast, in the world of free shipping to Hawaii! Not to mention I saved $4.86 on my order. Bonus!

Here's what I ordered:

aden + anais radiant blue swaddle single 

(But I got it in red, ha ha)




Natural Wood Ring Rattle





Stacking Cup Set


I am really excited to try these things out. The rattle will be stashed away in Mama's Bag O' Tricks for when we fly to Charleston in 2 weeks (eek!). I haven't decided if I'll takes the cups yet, but since they nest so nicely, I'll definitely think about it. There won't be baby toys where we're staying. The blanket is going FOR SURE. Charleston is HOT, and humid. I'm hoping that the muslin will be comforting, but not stifling. Not to mention that it's got stars for Stella on it. :] I *so* want the blue one, and I know a&a make a green one too, but I might hold off. Or rather, I'll try to hold off, hee hee

Here's what's going on lately at Ye Old Sandbox: They're having a giveaway when they reach 500 Twitter followers! Details are here: http://blog.sandboxlane.com/2011/04/great-500-follower-giveaway.html

So go to http://twitter.com/#!/sandboxlane Follow, and tell her that @mamasuperpow sent you!

OOOH!! I almost forgot to mention that if they don't stock a product that you're interested in, just ask, and if they end up stocking it, they'll include some Funk Rock with your order! I asked about Mama Cloth, and they're going to carry the Fuzzibuns line! I am awesome. They are awesome. Go follow them so hard (and mention me).

Seriously. New favorite.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

5 Clean & Simple Reasons to Switch to Cloth Diapers

  1. Ever miss a trash day using disposables? - EEEEEW. When cloth is stinky? Wash it, lay it in the sun, and done.

  2. Economical - Families using cloth diapers can save $30-$50 per month per child.

  3. Easier than you think - I like that I never run out of diapers. I never am left with half a pack of diapers that my baby outgrew overnight. I never have to send hubby out for diapers either! Laundry is no big deal either, for me it's just 1 extra load every other night.

  4. Earlier to potty train - During potty training, stay-dry diapers are actually the enemy! Children need to feel wetness to understand that wet undies are undesirable. With cloth diapers, you can probably adapt what you already have to absorb, AND let your toddler learn!

  5. Every baby deserves a healthy bottom - less chemicals usually means less skin irritation and fewer rashes! That's a good thing!

If you'd like more information about any of these E's,  please feel free to comment, tweet me, or email me at mamasuperpow_at_gmail_dot_com

Thursday, April 21, 2011

March of Dimes

My family is walking on Saturday the 23rd for the March of Dimes! Our goal is to raise $200, and as of 10pm, April 21, we are a little bit short! If you would, please consider (and then follow through) donating $10 to our team's goal.

Here's our team page: Team Awesome Powers

Saturday, April 9, 2011

You Can Look Before You Leap

I know several people right now who are *interested* in cloth diapering, but who haven't taken the next step in actually using any cloth. I understand completely that cloth diapering seems like a HUUUUGE endeavor, but in reality, it doesn't have to be. Here's why:

You DON'T have to start 100%  CDing all at once! I PROMISE, no one will judge you if you just try it. I know that cloth diapering mamas who have multiple kinds of "fluff" in their "stash" might be a bit intimidating in their excitement to recruit another potential convert. (GUILTY.) Here are a few ideas to help ease you into the mere idea of cloth diapering.

  • Just TRY it. Just a little bit, just to see if you like it...
    I think that for someone who just wants to see if it can work for them, 3 is a good number to start with. It's enough that you really get the feel for cloth diapering without burdening you with a big obligation!
  • Borrow a couple from a cloth diapering friend! Tell those pushy cloth diapering mamas to put their money where their mouths are! Everyone I know that cloth diapers is so excited about their diapers that they would gladly lend a couple, just to let someone try, and see if it would work for them.
  • If the idea of used diapers skeeves you out (even though they're clean), you can find your 3 to try for cheap. For the price of a single pack of sized 2 disposables (assuming a pack of Huggies Pure & Natural at about $9.99)  You can get a brand new cloth diaper that your baby won't grow out of until they're potty trained! Here are some examples of the least expensive brands that I would suggest to "Just try it" :
    • Econobum- You can buy a Single Pack for $9.95, which is one prefold and one cover, or a Trial Pack for $11.95, which has your 3 prefolds to try and one cover. They are ridiculously good quality prefolds too!
    • Kawaiis- You can get one of these heavy duty pocket diapers for as low as $6.99!! I'd be willing to bet that you blow more money than that on Starbucks every month. That's about the price of a Value meal at Wendy's. It's CERTAINLY worth a try!

      Back to the idea of preowned fluff:
  • Check your local Craigslist site for cloth diapers for sale. You can usually find really good prices on used diapers.
  • Diaperswappers is another great website to find used cloth diapers for sale, and real reviews from real mamas

So as you can see, cloth diapering doesn't have to be a All or Nothing undertaking. You can just try it, and who knows, maybe you'll want to do it some more!

Just three. Not a big deal. No sir-ee, that's not a big deal at all.

And PLEASE!! If you have any questions, just ask me! Either in my comments, on Twitter (@MamaSuperPow), or email me at MamaSuperPow_at_gmail_dot_com

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crazy crazy!!

I bought a new laptop on a super great sale last week, and promptly felt so guilty with all that we've got going on that I haven't taken it out of the box until this morning. So now I'm spending (feels like wasting) time getting everything straightened out with my bookmarks, and Firefox sync (LOVING IT), and then with every other little piddly thing that I had fixed just how I like it on my (now called) old computer.

Hopefully, I can get it in order and bang out a blog post or two. Baby and hamster-wheel mind of mine willing. In other news, Stella can sit up by herself! Check it out:

Peace, Love and Cuppy-cakes!